Our Practice Manager & Office Supervisor
Eliza Matthew-Hiney
Practice Manager
Our Practice Manager is Eliza Matthew-Hiney.
Areas included in her role are Personnel Management and Training, Information Management and Auditing, Systems Organisation, Finance and Health & Safety.
Eliza is happy to answer any queries, comments, suggestions or complaints then please address them to her and she will give them her attention and reply appropriately.
Elaine Fyffe
Office Supervisor
Our Office Supervisor is Elaine Fyffe. She manages the day to day operation of the receptionist team as well as contract responsibilities. Elaine is responsible for chronic disease management call and recall systems, data and spreadsheet management including updating patient electronic records. She is also a staff trainer.
Receptionists & Secretaries
Our receptionists are available at all times while the surgery is open. They deal with the phones and attend the ‘front desk’. They have to run the doctors and nurses appointments, arrange the home visits and repeat prescriptions system. In addition they handle general enquiries, give out some test results and operate the medical records and filing systems. They also manage the recall systems for several areas such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension and heart clinics etc. They do a demanding job, often under very difficult circumstances, but will always try to help you as quickly and courteously as possible. They can be contacted on the main surgery telephone number: 01382 534301.